Our leadership team is proud to uphold the core values, vision and mission for Alexium associates and our investors.

Chief Executive Officer
Billy Blackburn joined Alexium with 25 years’ experience and a successful record of product commercialization and driving profitable revenue growth. He is a graduate of the University of South Carolina business school. He specializes in driving growth in businesses with technical offerings. He has led the startup, growth and sale of a specialty chemical business focused on sustainability and high-purity chemistry. He has led companies through successful turnarounds via positive culture changes that shifted organizational focus to customers and world class service.

Chief Technology Officer
Robert “Bob” Brookins, Ph.D., M.A.E. B.A. B.Sc is the Chief Technology Officer. Dr. Brookins served as the CEO of Alexium between 2019 – 2022 and led the organization through developing many of its commercial products. He has experience in organic synthesis, materials chemistry, and chem/bio decontamination. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Florida in the areas of synthesis and characterization of conjugated poly-electrolytes and polymers with an emphasis on developing new polymerization methods. Upon completion of his Ph.D., he worked at the US Air Force Research Laboratory at Tyndall AFB, FL where he developed decontamination methods for chemical and biological threats and developed novel synthetic routes for reactive and functional surfaces. Dr. Brookins now leads Alexium’s R&D, Product Commercialization and Technical groups as the company enters its next growth phase.

Non-Executive Director

Non-Executive Director
Simon Moore, a Senior Partner of Colinton Capital Partners, has been appointed as non-executive director. Mr. Moore has over 20 years of experience in senior private equity roles including previously acting as Managing Director and Global Partner of the Carlyle Group. He currently serves on several boards in the roles of NED at Dimero Cleaning Services, NED at AMS Group, Deputy Chairman AMA Group Ltd and Chairman Palla Pharma Ltd.

Non-Executive Director
Dr. Paul Stenson BSc (Science), PhD (Chemistry) has had a distinguished career with the research, development, manufacture, and commercialization of new materials. Dr. Stenson is currently President and CEO of StanChem Inc., comprising of two companies – StanChem Polymers, and Albi Protective Coatings. Dr Stenson has over 20 years of experience in senior management positions in the polymer and chemicals industry. Dr. Stenson is also the chairman of TopChem Pharmaceuticals (Ireland) which is a manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients.

Non-Executive Director

Non-Executive Director
James Williamson has over 28 years of experience in financial markets and is the Co-Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Wentworth Williamson Management, a substantial shareholder of Alexium International Group Limited. Founded in 2013, Wentworth Williamson Management is a private Australian-based value fund manager with both equity and private credit funds. Prior to Wentworth Williamson, Mr Williamson worked for Allan Gray Australia and prior to that he was Portfolio Manager of the Investec Australian Equity Fund.
James has a Bachelor of Commerce, a Graduate Diploma of the Securities Institute of Australia and is a Senior Associate of FINSIA.